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To Kids

Our Vision

The book machine

that comes to you


We want to ensure that at least 5000 children

in informal settlements, townships and rural locations

are getting access to books every year.

Through access to books we aim to create a culture of reading

within our communities and strive to be the foremost provider of fictional

and curriculum-based literature for children and young people

within our community.

We encourage children to read stories,

learn and engage in educational games

in spaces they feel comfortable in

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Reading helps open minds and allows these children to travel far without even moving


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We are currently solely operating with the help of donations. They enable us

to provide material and new books to the children as well as keeping out equipment running.


If you would like to donate books, click the 'DONATE' button above.

If you would like to donate money, please do so here:

Gold Business Account
Account number: 62924690177

Want to do more

than donating? 


above and become a volunteer and help us

help kids!

Getting children and young people in underprivileged areas to engage in the world of books, improve their reading and writing skills, get them into higher education and off the streets.

We want to reform our communities and give kids opportunities to develop and unwind and alternatives to a life lead by crime and violence.

We want have a long lasting effect on our communities. We want to transform them into places where everybody feels safe no matter who they are.

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